Poetry Out Loud – Number Seven


  1. The Harlemans and Klyd and Linda Watkins
    Magic (1:16)
  2. Klyd Watkins+Tony Cowan
    Amen Absen From The Time Garden (2:55)
  3. Klyd & Linda Watkins+The Harlemans
    Help Him Into Holiness
  4. The Harlemans
    Keep Away
  5. Klyd Watkins with Tony Cowan
    Plato’s Pool Room
  6. Bernard Heidsieck+Françoise Janicot
    Poem For Brion Part I
  7. Tony Cowan 29 Cats (0:20)
  8. Klyd Watkins Quarter (7:16)
  9. The Harlemans If You Want To Fly (2:28)
  10. Patricia Harleman This Fever (3:00)
  11. Bernard Heidsieck+Françoise Janicot
    Poem For Brion Part II
  12. The Harlemans White Church Morning (4:03)
  13. Linda Watkins Hiway (0:51)
  14. Peter Harleman Silence (0:53)
  15. Klyd Watkins with Tony Cowan The Riddle (1:58)
  16. Peter Harleman The Dance (3:12)

Total time 39:30
LP released by Out Loud Productions, US, 1973

Out Loud Productions
P. O. BOX 96
Madison, New Jersey 07940

May 8, 1971

Dear subscriber,

In the next few weeks, the fourth number of Poetry Out Loud will appear. In the short time since the appearance of its first number, Poetry Out Loud has taken enormous strides toward its primary goal of restoring the vitality of the human voice to contemporary poetry.

Radio stations across the country have given substantial air play to Poetry Out Loud and WBAI-FM in New York has made it the subject of two, one hour long special programs.

Magazines have continued reviewing Poetry Out Loud, and a copy of a recent review in ROLLING STONE is enclosed with this letter.

Frankly, the future looks very bright for extending the influence of our “magazine” of oral poetry. Out Loud poets have been and are currently appearing at a number of colleges, universities, coffee houses and bars.

Needless to say, the issues of the “magazine” itself are reflecting this spark and vitality of live audiences. Number Four—and more records after it— is on the way. Now’s the time for you to keep a good thing going by filling out the enclosed subscription renewal card and returning it to us.

Peter Harleman

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1 Response to “Poetry Out Loud – Number Seven”

  1. 1 Song Yong June 22, 2009 at 7:01 am

    Very interesting!
    Song Yong, Japan

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